Creating jobs
The Valdivia region offers many natural materials that can be transformed into beautiful works of art by the very skilled artisans residing here. Clients from abroad help foster the growth of employment in this distinct area. Futuro Valdivia respects the values of Fair Trade but has yet to receive a certification.
Tagua is a fruit but converts to a hard material with properties similar to ivory when dried for 9 months. Tagua is used for the production of jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets, rings, and various figurines representing the local life, such as dolphins, turtles, native scenes and worry beads. Let your imagination free to find your own personal treasure.
Paja Toquilla – the world´s largest plantation of paja toquilla, the raw material of the famous ”Panama hat”, a product made in Ecuador and not Panama, is located in the coastal mountain range of the Valdivia region. The material is processed in the area and hats are hand made in the coastal area as well in the Andean highland of Ecuador.
Skilled silversmith jewellers combine metal with Spondylus shell, mother of pearl, chonta wood, coco nut and cattle horn.
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